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Bournemouth Club Championship Show 2014 Critique

I was impressed by the overall quality of my entry, although numbers were down, and delighted with my winners. The weather was fine and hot at times, which was unfortunate as some hounds felt the heat badly and didn’t move with great enthusiasm. Generally I was pleased to find that the movement and soundness of the hounds has improved and encouraged to see some promising young stock coming on.

Puppy Dog – (1 entry) Abs:0

1. Bond’s REGALFLIGHT RUEBEN: Promising 9 months old male puppy, well grown with plenty of
substance throughout and covering a lot of ground, pleasing head and expression and well set ears, mid grey coat, good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, good width across the chest and depth of brisket, good straight front legs and well knuckled feet, strong broad hindquarters. He moved out well with good length of stride. BP.

Junior Dog – (0 entries)Abs:0

Post Graduate Dog – (4 entries) Abs:0

1. Owen & Brodie’s LUCKHURST NEBO TO WOLFSCASTLE: Medium sized male with good crisp mid grey coat, handsome head with well set ears, long neck leading into well laid shoulder, good depth of brisket and length of body with pleasing top line, well knuckled feet, strong broad very well muscled hindquarters with well bent stifles. Moved well with plenty of energy and drive and well presented.
2. Wragg’s FRITZENS DRUM TO NEROCHE (Imp Deu): Hound of taller stature than (1) nd less mature, attractive dark crisp coat, handsome head with dark eye and neat well set ears, good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, adequate width across chest but brisket needs to deepen, good length of body and broad well muscled hindquarters. Moved soundly and well presented.

Limit Dog (2 entries) Abs:0

1. Wilkinson’s SIREADH CHASE: Mature hound with good bone and plenty of substance, shaggy mid grey coat, handsome head with plenty of furnishing and well set ears, dark eyes with pleasing expression, good width across the chest and deep brisket, good length of body but tending to hunch himself up on the day, good width across hindquarters and well bent stifles. Moved soundly coming and going.
2. Finnett & Heathcote’s HYNDSIGHT THE DARKNESS: Attractive young hound with lovely dark grey crisp coat, good bone and plenty of substance and width throughout, handsome head with dark eyes and neat ears, well knuckled feet, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good body with depth and spring of ribs, strong hindquarters with well bent stifles. Moved soundly but needs to settle and relax in the ring.

Open Dog (4 entries) Abs:0

This was a very strong class full of quality exhibits.

1. Morton & Morgan’s CH COTHERSTONE SHOT AND STEEL: Eye catching super quality hound with presence and very pleasing outline, well balanced, lovely crisp dark grey coat, good bone and plenty of substance throughout, masculine head with dark eyes and typical expression, well set ears, strong neck leading into good shoulders, straight front legs, impressive depth of brisket and spring of ribs, good length of body and pleasing top line flowing into strong broad hindquarters. Moved soundly holding his top line and very well presented. I was delighted to award him DCC. He lost out to the bitch in the challenge because he didn’t quite match her drive and enthusiasm on the day.
2. SPENCE & Heathcote’s CH HYNDSIGHT RIDDICK: Mature quality hound with good harsh dark coat, masculine head with soft and typical expression, neat well set ears, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good width throughout chest and body, good length of body but rather straight top line, strong well muscled quarters with good bend of stifle. Moved soundly coming and going but tending to drop his top line on the day.

Puppy Bitch (entries4) Abs:1

1. Meer’s SHAGIEAD AUNTY HETTY FOR LORDSWELL; Very shapely 10 month old puppy with attractive shaggy mid grey coat, very pretty head with dark eye and typical soft expression, well set ears, adequate length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, good width across the chest and deep brisket, adequate length of body but needs to relax her top line, broad hindquarters with well bent stifles. Moved soundly with drive and well presented.
2. Owen & Brodie’s WOLFSCASTLE CRACKER: Attractive 7 month old puppy with good dark crisp coat, taller than (1), good head with long neck set into well laid shoulders, adequate width across chest, brisket needs to drop, good length of body flowing into wide broad quarters. Moved soundly with long strides but needs to settle in the ring.

Junior Bitch (entries 2) Abs:0

1. Bailey’s GREYFLAX SUMMER BREEZE: Elegant youngster with good crisp mid grey coat, good bone, attractive feminine head with typical soft expression and well set ears, good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, deep brisket and good length of body, top line flowing nicely into broad hindquarters with nice length from hip to hock and good angulation. Moved well coming and going and very well presented.
2. Lewis’s LUCKHURST OLGRIN: Attractive youngster with crisp dark coat, not as mature as (1),
lovely dark eye and pleasing expression, good bone and straight front legs, adequate width across chest, brisket needs to drop, good length of body leading into broad well muscled hind quarters. Moved soundly but needs to settle.

Post Graduate Bitch (entries 5) Abs:1

1. Finnett & Heathcote’s SHAGIEAD MRS BRIDGES: Attractive dark workman like bitch with plenty of substance and width throughout, good harsh coat, pleasing head with dark eye and neat well set ears, strong neck and well constructed chest and forequarters, deep brisket and good length of body and well sprung ribs, well arched loin and droop to tail, great breadth across the hind quarters. Moved well coming and going.
2. Aston’s ARDLANCIAN EIRYN TO BALGALED: Elegant bitch with attractive grey brindle crisp coat, pretty head with typical soft expression and well set ears, good bone, nice length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, adequate length of body and pleasing top line flowing into good broad hind quarters. Moved well.

Limit Bitch (entries 9) Abs: 2

This was a very strong class with many quality exhibits present and the decisions were close.

1. Redmond & Friend’s SHAGIEAD LADY SEA WITH GREYBROWS: A super quality bitch exhibiting a wonderful combination of elegance and strength, mature for her age, very well balanced with pleasing proportions, lovely crisp grey brindle coat, pleasing head with well set ears and typical expression, strong neck leading into well constructed chest and forequarters, good depth of brisket, good body and top line with well arched loin flowing into strong well muscled and angulated hind quarters. She moved very well holding her top line with good drive and length of stride. I was delighted to award her BCC and BOB.
2. Barret’s STRANWITH ARIADNE: Another super quality bitch, very shapely with lovely dark harsh coat, feminine head with very neat ears and typical expression, plenty of substance with well knuckled feet, strong neck leading into well constructed fore quarters, great depth of brisket and good length of body leading into strong broad hind quarters with well bent stifles. Moved very well and well presented but not holding her top line as well as (1).

Open Bitch (entries 6) Abs:0

Another very strong class with quality exhibits.

1. Bailey’s GREYFLAX JUST PEACHY: Attractive quality bitch with good crisp mid grey coat, built
on longer lines than (2) and covering a lot of ground when standing, good straight forelegs and
well knuckled feet, feminine head with lovely expression, long neck leading into well laid
shoulders, adequate width across the chest, long body with good arch over loin, broad well
angulated hind quarters with great length from hip to hock. Moved very well with good length of
stride and very well presented.
2. Morgan & Morton’s CH COTHERSTONE DUCHENNE: Strongly built mature bitch of quality, lovely dark crisp coat, good bone and straight forelegs, dark eye and pleasing expression but would prefer more feminine proportions and smaller ears, strong neck and good width across the chest but not the fore chest of (1), deep brisket with good spring of ribs and adequate length of body, pleasing top line flowing into broad well constructed hind quarters with good bend of stifle. Moved well and very well presented.

Dr Sarah Helps